Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Not even going to try...

...getting political here. It would come out as a giant, nonsensical, rant. And wouldn't really change anything, or help the situation at all. Needless to say, I'm disappointed and scared at the results of the election. But, I'm not going into it.


Probably boring to the rest of the world, but here is a bright spot in my day of work at this job that, I'll just say I strongly dislike:
(names changed to protect the innocent...or the guilty?)
Audit Nazi: Hey
Me: Hi?
Audit Nazi: Here's some audits for you to do, Lazy Manager volunteered you.
Me: I'm already doing audits, Audit Nazi #2 gave them to me, when Lazy Manager volunteered me last week.
Audit Nazi: Oh. Okay. Darn.
Me: (dancing and laughing like a maniac in my head) Sorry.

PS-Audits are work from another department that are given to our department. As in, I'm doing someone else's work, while still expected to do my own job as well. I LOVE Corporate America!!!

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