I've been on a roll with posting daily, but then forgot to yesterday. Shame on me.
LOOK OUT, I'm going political today! (Hey, I gave you fair warning...)
People are naming their babies after Obama already. Great.
I will admit, this election was very historical, but it didn't really make me "proud" to be an American (as everyone's been gushing about), as the more I delved into all of the politics of it, the more sorry I became for my country. We used to be a great nation, but I'm not sure if we can ever get back to anywhere near the greatness we once were. Especially after this election, I really am almost to the point of being embarrassed to call myself a citizen of this country. I want to be a mother very badly, I've looked forward to it my entire life, but I'm not sure I can live with the guilt of bringing children into the world we live in today. Russell told me last night he really doesn't think it'd be fair to the child, and I completely agree with him. I know I'm talking to a brick wall in saying this, but it saddens and haunts me that I feel the reason our president-elect holds the title he does now, is simply because of his skin color (oh, and we can't forget that he's got some skills in public speaking). Yes, I know, I'm a racist..I'm a horrible, horrible person who cares about nothing but discriminating against the poor, abused minorities of our land, and I deserve to be severely punished. And most of you are going to stop reading right about here.
I'm being open about what I feel, so sue me. I think the flash and excitement of electing the first minority president blinded people from looking at, or listening to, anything else. Whoo hoo, we did it; wow, we're so proud of ourselves!!! Now what? What's going to happen to our country? I'm not sure I want to know.
Okay, now this is the part where you call me a religious nut (I know, I'm making assumptions, but I figure it's best to give you hints along the way). So anyone out there read the Bible? Yes? A few? I'm not sure if anyone does anymore, but I'm being hopeful. So, to narrow it down even more...has anyone studied/read Revelation? It's about the end times. As in, the end of the world as we know it. I don't know about anyone else, but that's just a little bit scary to me, to say the least. If we really are near the end, which seems to be the case (from numerous Biblical predictions that are increasingly becoming realities...enough there to fill a whole other post), then I wouldn't be one bit surprised if Obama was the Antichrist. If he's not, and I'm wrong, then great. But what if he is? We just elected him president! Of our country!!! Doesn't that frighten anyone, just a tiny bit?!? I know God has everything planned out, everything happens for a reason, and there's nothing I can do to change that. It just freaks me out that we could be so close to the end...not that I can stop it, of course, but I sort of had a plan for how everything in my life should be going, and (as with most life plans), this isn't how it was supposed to go. If he is, in fact, the Antichrist, then he's going to be in power for quite a while, and I just need to hold on until the Rapture. Still, to me, "holding on" doesn't really sound like much fun, but what other choice do we have??
I have to go because I'm about to get off work, but there'll possibly be a part two to my rantings...I don't know. Until then, some resources:
Glenn Beck's a conservative radio show host who's fair to both sides and brings you the facts, his site is here, and here's an article to get you started on him.
The book of Revelation, good to read, however I don't know of any sites with good commentary on it, and don't have time to check for one. Maybe next time!
PS-If anybody wears contacts, please check out my listing on Craig's List! I'm trying to get rid of these.
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The most important issue in all of your fears and concerns is that God is still in control and that He does everything for a purpose. It's VERY probable that Obama is NOT the antichrist and that God will allow him to be a great president. God knows where we go from here and we need to trust him completely. The Lord also tells us to pray for those in leadership, whether you agree with them or not. That's our job and our duty. I'm praying that Obama will be surrounded with a wise, faithful, team that trusts God with their decisions and that he'll learn to rely on God for wisdom in all his decisions. It's an amazing resonsibility for anyone. He needs our prayers more than anything now.
I don't know if I'm entirely sure what the qualifications for anti-christ are. I wouldn't mind someone posting specifically about what the links between Obama and anti-christ are. Also, do you think that everyone who voted for Obama did so solely based on race? I agree with Nancy's comment though about trusting in God that he is in control.
I don't think that every single person who voted for him did it because of race, but I do think if he was white, he wouldn't have won. So what I was saying is that there were enough votes based solely on race to push him into the lead, and to gain that victory for him. I do believe God is in control, and we do have to pray for all leadership, even if we're not in agreement with them. I'm just pointing out that the lack of worry on everyone else's part is really frightening.
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