Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We Sold the Truck!

Woohoo!!! It's definitely comforting having cash in our pockets rather than a hunk-of-junk truck sitting out in the parking lot. I'm very excited about that.

I've taken up cross-stitching again, mostly at work. I love cross-stitching, I don't know why society considers it an "elderly woman" hobby.

This is the pattern I'm working on right now. It's so cute, I love love LOVE Precious Moments.

Travis visited last night, he and I had a good time catching up on things (even though I just saw him less than two weeks ago). I'm gonna see him again when I go up to my grandma's house for the Super Bowl (GO CARDINALS!!!), but it's definitely fun to get a chance to hang out with him whenever I can.

More posts on the way...I have IDEAS!!

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