Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I just got inspired by another blog, so here I am writing. I don't think society acknowledges the bond between siblings nearly as much as it should be acknowledged. It's like, yea, you have your parents and all...not to say that parent-child bonds aren't important too...but, other than them, who's been with you all your life?

According to some old(er) people I know, back in the day people stayed put a lot more, moving between towns multiple times wasn't as widely accepted as it is now. So maybe, at that time, people had childhood friends who they grew up with, but in this day and age you usually don't have friends you've known since birth because either you moved away or they moved away, and you lost touch...which brings me back to siblings. Like it or not, they're with you for life. When I was a kid, I used to wish all the time that I was an only child. I wanted to watch something on TV, but Travis was watching something else...I wanted my dad to buy me something but he was too busy buying Travis something instead...I wanted to get away with something at school, but Travis would always tell on me as soon as we got home. That last one wasn't as easy, since my mom was a teacher, and teachers talk.

But now? I'm so extremely thankful that we grew up together, and that he's been there my whole life. We have more inside jokes than I've had with all the friends I've ever had combined. I can say one and he'll know what I'm talking about, or vice versa. We could be watching TV with someone else and both crack up about something someone says, and everyone else looks at us strange because it wasn't even funny. I love that. And it's not just the "ESP" stuff either, but the fact that we can look back and talk about how we felt when different things happened in our childhood. He's the only person who lived through all of the same things I did, so when I talk about something happening, he knows exactly what I'm talking about, without me having to explain it. I think that's just a really awesome thing, like I'm so lucky to have him. It's kind of weird but cool that we both turned out so different, and yet the same.

...and Travis, if you're reading this..."It's not rocket science, guys!" (muffled laughter)

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